"It's Christmas time pretty baby," and as fans, all across the globe, begin their own family celebrations, Elvis won't be far from our minds.
What with all the happenings at Graceland, like the stringing of the famous blue driveway lights, and setting up those extra large nativity characters, how could we forget that Christmas time was Elvis' favorite time of the year?
The simple act of giving, Elvis style, was done 360 days a year, no matter the season. That's how Elvis lived his life and how we, as his fans, should strive to be. He set a very high standard, a goal we all can agree is worth achieving.

The love and devotion shared, I sincerely hope these are clear memories for Lisa and not just fuzzy childhood photographs, real but not real. But rather remembered sentiments, in real time, this is our Christmas wish for all the Presley family. For life is about these small moments, saved in our heart, taken out to admire in times of need and loneliness.
Dan and I (TL) have many cherished Christmas memories such as these. Sure our gifts weren't as elaborate as little Lisa's--mink coats and diamond bracelets weren't on our lists--but an Elvis album or two was sure to be in the mix and that meant Christmas would get these two kids stamp of approval.
Then we'd drive the adults crazy listening over and over and again.
The best part of Christmas now--other than the Jesus story--shifts from gifts to the planning of our annual BSC Christmas show. We relish in the planning, hours of Elvis' best holiday music, picking exactly what we feel our fellow Elvis fans want to hear, and what can only be guaranteed as a fabulous time for all. And to top it all off, this year, we have all the fun over on the Blue Suede Lounge as well, where Dan and I get to talk Elvis, Christmas, and recite many more humorous childhood memories of our own.
We can never get enough #talkElvis. And for those that love everything Christmas, the BSC Christmas show will air on many of our wonderful affiliates, starting the week of Dec 16th and running through the week of Christmas. Come over to our "Listen" page here and see where and when.
2018 has been a wonderful year for us Elvis fans, with the release of the new CD (Where No One Stands Alone) and prime time television shows (Elvis The Searcher and Christmas at Graceland). And for Blue Suede Connection it's been a year of growth, sharing FREE Elvis music over the airwaves across 5 countries! We couldn't be any happier than to bring Elvis back to the radio dial, free and clear, just as he did when he was here and rocking the world off it's axis.
We want to thank all our listeners and affiliates for coming to the party each week and being involved in our Elvis dream. We would not be here without you all.
May 2019 bring you health, success, and happiness.
Dan and TL
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